What is this freedom that the Bible tells us we have when we are in Christ?
The world claims that freedom is the ability to do what we want, when we want. Freedom from our parents. Freedom to drink. Freedom to listen to the music you want. The list could go forever.
This is not the freedom of the Bible. In fact, Paul calls this self-indulgence. (Gal. 5:13-14)
The freedom we have in Christ is first a freedom from the guilt of our own sinfulness. The yoke of slavery has been broken. (Gal. 5:1) Instead of the freedom to do what we want, we have the freedom to become more like Christ. Our sinful can no longer hold us captive. (John 8:31-36)
We are free to love others. We are free to serve others. We are free to worship. We are free to enter the presence of God in prayer and no longer hide in the dark shadows of our sin. We are free to give our lives, because we know that is why Jesus died on the cross. Our freedom is why Jesus is no longer in the tomb.
We invite you to learn a new view of freedom, the freedom of Christ. A freedom to dance, to sing, to worship, to love the unlovable, the freedom to serve the wounded and broken, the freedom to live the abundant life, even if your friends think you are a little weird.
Front Range Camping is a ministry of the
American Baptist Churches of the Rocky Mountains